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5th-12th Grade Band

The 9th-12th grade band meets each school day during 1st period.

The 8th grade band meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during 7th period.

The 7th grade band meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during 7th period.

The 6th grade band meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Friday during 5th period.

The 5th grade band meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other Friday during 5th period.

Band Schedule_edited.jpg

History and Appreciation of Music

The History and Appreciation of Music course meets asynchronously online.

Week 01/

Music to Learn Who We Are

  • Understand how the variety of American music reflects its diversity

  • Associate musical styles with their places of origin

  • Describe how different cultures use music for various purposes

  • Describe and compare musical compositions

  • Understand how to use music to develop empathy for other cultures

Week 03/

The Elements of Music

  • Describe properties of sound

  • Identify voice ranges and instruments

  • Explain how rhythm forms the lifeblood of music

  • Discuss elements of melody

Week 05/

Performing and Listening to Music

  • Explore the various levels of experiencing music as a listener

  • Understand the role of the music critic and develop an ability to critique music

  • Develop criteria for judging musical performances

  • Understand the problem of and solutions to coordination in music

Week 07/

Music to Let Us Create

  • Distinguish between a musical arrangement and a transcription

  • Explore the creative process in music

  • Discuss how technology is changing the role of composers and performers

  • Learn what makes composers effective musical communicators

Week 09/

The Baroque Period

  • Identify key features of the late baroque style in music

  • Describe the main elements of a fugue

  • Discuss the chorale and church cantata during the baroque era

  • Compare and contrast baroque opera and baroque oratorio

Week 11/

The Romantic Period

  • Describe the characteristics of romantic music

  • Explain how the role of the composer changed in the 19th century

  • Define program music and absolute music and compare and contrast orchestral works by a selection of composers

  • Analyze the relationship between words and music in song

Week 13/

Jazz and Popular Music

  • Distinguish between the different styles of jazz

  • Describe how jazz music originated in America

  • Discuss the roots of rock and trace its development

  • Explore styles of modern popular music

Week 15/

Music to Share Our Humanity

  • Understand how music is a reflection of its time and its society

  • Discover how the music of one culture can influence another

  • Understand how music establishes a sense of time and place

Week 02/

Music to Enhance Expression

  • Discover music as a symbolic system of communication

  • Learn how music stirs emotions in humans

  • Understand some of the ways music is organized

  • Understand how composers use repetition and contrast

Week 04/

The Elements of Music, cont.

  • Explain basic principles of chords and harmony

  • Identify and describe the three kinds of musical texture

  • Explain the techniques that create musical form

  • Discuss the different meanings of the term "musical style"

Week 06/

Music to Understand Life's Meaning

  • Become familiar with the universality of love themes in all of music

  • Understand how music reflects and interprets religious feelings

  • Become acquainted with the music of different religions

  • Discover how all cultures use music to celebrate and create identity

  • Learn how music is used to express emotions connected with death

Week 08/

The Middle Ages and The Rennaissance

  • Explain the roles of musicians in medieval society

  • Describe how the religious social tone of the middle ages affected music, and how this changed in the Renaissance

  • Identify the musical innovations in music of the 14th century

  • Discuss the development of Renaissance instrumental music

Week 10/

The Classical Period

  • Compare and contrast the classical style and the baroque style

  • Describe a typical symphony of the classical period

  • Discuss the emergence of the concerto and classical chamber music

  • Explain some of the innovative features of Beethoven's music

Week 12/

Music of the 20th Century and Beyond

  • Describe new ways in which music has reached listeners during the 20th and 21st centuries

  • Compare and contrast various 20th century styles of composition

  • Explain how American composers created music that was recognizably American

Week 14/

Music to Tell Our Stories

  • Understand how a story is told through the medium of opera

  • List and describe the elements of a musical

  • Recognize how music sets an atmosphere and a scene

  • Discuss the functions and styles of music for film

Week 16/

Review and Final Project

  • Discuss how your musical tastes have changed over the course

  • Synthesize notions of music as a mirror of a given society or era

  • Collaborate with others to produce a final project

© 2021 by Chase T. Christensen. All images are licensed with Creative Commons.

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